The “My Design Coffee House” project, created exclusively for VeronaFiere (Abitareil Tempo, co-located with Marmomacc in Verona, 24/27 September 2014) by Art Director and Interior Designer Elisabetta de Strobel, takes a journey through a new life philosophy. The exhibition space, organised over a floor area of 150 square metres, illustrates a new vision of the world, one that evolves and reaches out towards new prospects, new settings, organising work and daily activities over increasingly broad, increasingly distant horizons. Thus, today’s society is no longer sedentary; it has regained the nomadic nature of years gone by, shifting effortlessly forwards in pursuit of other dimensions, new opportunities, as occurs with recycling and recovery, for example here starts talks about new technologies, new vision of the future. Small and flexible workplace, for a new way of doing business everywhere in the world and through new horizons.
“Since everything appears so fragile and transient, a sense of security is inspired by the reorganization of wide, open spaces into small units that are extremely functional, appealing, versatile, adaptable; spaces that can be transformed and remodeled. And in this new renaissance, design has new, original lines to show, shaped by a huge measure of respect for the force of the nature we are guests of”, explains Elisabetta de Strobel. “Images are the hallmarks of the multivisione concept: from the deserts of Arizona to Namibia, from moonspace touching the stars into the sky. The style of the new inhabitants of the earth is responsible consumerism, with an elegance and sophistication that invariably derives from the most exclusive craftsmanship and the partnership it forms with today’s technologies.”
The layout of the whole setting revolves around prime-quality materials and their natural power: wood, stone, marble and minerals, but also a lot of technology. The result is a mix that blends different points of view, framing them with robust, practical shapes always based on classic archetypes able to render them flexible and user-friendly. “The crisis brought us to a halt, and now it’s time to set off towards pastures new. workplaces take on a new, nomadic dimension, becoming even smaller”, explains the Art Director “being at the service of the ‘nomadic’ pioneer, which travels to the future, by any means drinking excellent natural water and occasionally a good coffee”.
The exhibition is organised into small areas reflecting the opportunity to develop the business of the future, also with the aid of new technologies: a caravan, a cellar, an in-flight space, a place to relax in. The new luxury is all about pure lines, the pursuit of the essential, a journey in which the possibility of the unexpected is just waiting to be discovered by the curious who set out in search of it.