Participate in WOODEX 2017!

TEHRAN – IRAN | 5 – 18 Feb, 2017
REPORT OF 2016 event
Total exhibition space: 37,000 m2
Participating countries : Germany, Austria, Italy, UK, Turkey, Japan, Ukraine, Russia, Malaysia, Taiwan , South Korea, China, France, India , a total of 23 countries participated.
Number of exhibitors : 605 Companies, 20 Halls
Number of visitors: 56,000
Machinery and Line for production and cutting various types of wood,coated neopan , MDF and industrial boards.
Machinery and production line for the wood industry ( milling, press and so on) , grooving , planing , CNC , fusing wood, brushing and profile.
Machinery and production line for staples and needles of any type, nails, sharpening blade and various types of saturating devices, strip saws and diamond-coated saw blades.
MDF, HDF , HPL, of any types, letron, laminated- coated and industrially compresses boards used in the furniture industry.
Machinery and processing lines for wood such as CNC, design, turnery, multi-purpose carpentry machinery, press, electroplating, painting gadgets, printing and engraving.
Raw materials and equipment for furniture industry like stone, glass, polymerized boards for furniture cover, cabinets, tables and so on.
Raw materials and equipment for furniture industry like paint and resin of any kind, glue(binder)
Veneers and wooden plates of any type
Tool used in the wood industry of any kind consisting of cutting , pressing, clamping, planing and sawing devices.
Various kinds of gears and accessories of furniture industry such as nails, rivets, nuts, handles, bands for seaming and the like.
Disjointed components of furniture of any kind.
Various tools for furniture industry like saws, files, planes, piercing and decorating the cutting blades.
Covering of any type consisting of artificial or natural leather cloth and man-made coverings for furniture.
Various materials for packaging furniture industry such as cartons, bubble bags and so on.
Machinery for transferring materials and goods for transportation of any kind
Binders of any kind
Administrative and industrial automation in the related area
Specialized periodicals and journals
Colleges,institutes and specialized training services.